Associate Professor
IT University of Copenhagen
My goal is to enable developers to write, at scale, trustworthy software that satisfies high-level security requirements.
My research is on language-based security. I build foundations for computer security by advancing and applying techniques and tools from programming-language theory and formal methods, such as program analysis and program transformation.
I am an Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU). I am a member of the Center for Information Security and Trust (CISAT) , as well as the Programming, Logic and Semantics (PLS) and Software Quality Research (SQUARE) groups.
I was a visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in the School of Computer Science in the summer of 2022, hosted by Stephanie Balzer.
I was a Postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), hosted by Deepak Garg, and at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) CyLab, hosted by Limin Jia and Lujo Bauer. I did my PhD at Chalmers in the security lab, supervised by Andrei Sabelfeld.
My projects, in reverse-chronological order:
My publications, in reverse-chronological order:
I serve on program committees. I have served on the following events.
I regularly peer-review research papers for CCS, S&P, CSF, NDSS, USENIX Security, ESORICS, POST, NordSec, FCS, MMM-ACNS, TOPLAS, and JLAMP.
I appear in public media:
I create material for a free online learning course on cybersecurity, SikkerCyber, aimed at employees in small- and medium-sized enterprises. (funded by Industriens Fond). I am the creator of the offensive security module.
I teach at the IT University of Copenhagen.
I am appointed external examiner ("censor"), by the Danish Ministry for Education and Research ("Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet"), in the following censor corps:
I supervise student research- and thesis-projects.
I only supervise projects which I am highly enthusiastic about, and which will likely lead to a research paper. Are you a student interested in writing a project with me? Make sure my research agenda overlaps with your interest, then set up a meet.